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Our Work in ukraine

Senior communities

Multigenerational rehabilitation and community building is one of our missions in Ukraine. Unfortunately, many elders there currently lead a very isolated and lonely life. Some are left behind without any support because their children were killed in the war, or their families left for another country where it is safer.

With the lack of socialization and no sense of purpose, many seniors lose their motivation for living. Subsequently, their physical and mental abilities very often start deteriorating faster. The founders of Art of Ukraine together with “Promini Dobra”, our partner organization in southern Ukraine, realize how important and helpful it is for seniors to socialize while doing something meaningful. It gives them purpose, stimulates them mentally, and helps them stay positive and energetic longer. We organize community gatherings and art therapy classes to promote well-being and provide lunches to fight food insecurity.
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Art therapy for children

We work with schools and lyceums across Ukraine that are currently housing refugees to help connect displaced children with their cultural heritage. Right now, it is more important than ever to encourage kids to use their creativity to combat psychological damage caused by war.

When kids gather in a local village school for our workshop, they can take their minds off of their scary reality for a moment. Instead, they focus their attention on working with their hands, as they connect with the depth of Ukrainian traditions.

Together with skilled educators and trained folk artists, the kids craft a traditional dolls, used by our ancestors for strength and protection. Traditionally, those who were away from home would take those dolls (typically crafted by loved ones and family) on the road with them, to serve as a protective charm and a source of strength.

Often the children want to give the dolls they make to the soldiers to help protect them and keep their spirits up. We send the talismans along with food, medical and tactical supplies to the front lines. The soldiers are deeply touched to receive such special pieces of Ukraine, feeling supported by those they are fighting for.

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Humanitarian aid

Rehabilitative art workshops are our typical program focus in Ukraine. They benefit the underserved youth and elderly populations, while also giving an opportunity to art teachers to create an income.

However, due to the realities of the war, we also want to help Ukrainian communities in need. With our partner organizations – Promini Dobra (Rays of Kindness) and Platforma Maibutnioho (Platform of the Future) we’ve been able to provide medicine, transportation, address food insecurity in communities that otherwise go unserved.

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